Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Ever since I was a kid I like to draw. I was brought up in Christian schools and yet didn't accept Christ until 10 years ago after so many years of questioning and struggles.

The idea of creating cartoons in relations to my religious belief has been in my mind for years. But I was just too lazy to begin. Recently I saw some paintings exhibited in a public library, I was so touched and decided not to give myself anymore excuses not to take immediate action. Life is short, I shouldn't wait any longer before it's too late.

I hope you will enjoy what you see here and don't forget to introduce that to the ones you care.

Happy browsing.

In Christ,
Raymond Tse


Joe said...

It doesn't matter how long it takes to reach there. Nobody knows about God's plan, but somehow you can feel it when God is pleased. Besides, you still have your whole life time to do it!

Ray said...

thanks for your encouragement, I will try my best to serve Him.

EChu said...

As you are truly passionate about this, I pray that you will continue to be inspired by the Holy Spirit to keep spreading the gospel with your art.

I'll be back, keep up your good work!

Unknown said...

Hi Raymond,

God has given each of us different talent. I envy you because you have the ability to draw and create. It's God's gift to you so treasure it and use it to serve Him.

Peter Lee

Unknown said...

I wish I can draw like you. Keep up the good work.